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Social Work Blog | Social work updates from NASWAs someone only two years older than Trayvon, his story has shaped my lived experience and deepened my commitment to social justice
The Countryside Alliance Foundation | About UsDiscover The Countryside Alliance Foundation, a dedicated charity promoting rural life, community engagement, and countryside conservation.
Government News, Research and Events for Federal Employees - GovExec.cGovernment Executive is the leading source for news, information and analysis about the operations of the executive branch of the federal government.
Virtual workspace is helping government usher in the next generation oDespite technological advances, it’s still not easy for government organizations to get everyone on the same page when it matters most. This platform ai...
What Governments Need Now — Data and AI Skills - Government ExecutiveWith AI, the public sector has a great opportunity to build trust with constituents and work more efficiently. See how you can bridge the AI skills gap ...
Single Payer Health CareSingle payer health care is a health care system where a single fund pays for health care costs (rather than private insurers).
Latest videos | Bible Folk - Conservative Christian Social Network ...Watch all Latest videos at Bible Folk - Conservative Christian Social Network - Welcome home Pilgrim! You have arrived!.
Abortion Archives - LifeSite1997-2025 All Rights Reserved.
H.R. 1 – Lower Energy Costs Act | House of Representatives Committee oCOMMITTEE ACTION: REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 9-4 on Monday, March 27, 2023.FLOOR ACTION ON H. RES. 260: Agreed to by a record vote of 218-203, after agreeing to the previous question by a record vote of 218-203, on Tue
Repeal the NFA and the Hughes act | the CRASEWell it s been a while but it loosk like things are coming around, especially for firearm rights. Obama is OUT along with a majority in congress the president is a Republican which generally means good things for fir
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